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Monday, 7 November 2016

Buy Me: Paul Smith Dino Print Leather Bag

One of the best pieces of fashion advice I ever got was from a now retired fashion editor who always looked as stylish as you would imagine a fashion editor would do. Saying that, she also managed to keep her look fresh and unlike anyone else. Every single time I would compliment her on an oversized sweater or a chic accessory I would ask where she found it, as I hadn't seen it anywhere for sale ever before. Her advice was simple and it went a little something like this.

She said, "look to the men." This was a woman who loved the idea of playing with fashion, but she also adored finely tailored pieces and items that could cross lines when it came to the sexes. She would buy great men's shirts and jackets and have them taken in to fit her frame perfectly. She was convinced that men's fashion was a women's best treasure hunt when it came to finding fabrics and cuts. She was an outlier. She also almost always had a men's bag with her, and this I loved, so very much. 

So, when I saw this Paul Smith Dinosaur bag, my mind instantly returned to our many conversations about fashion and the way in which women don't often enough borrow a stylish item or two from the men's section! This bag is my dream accessory for the season and I would never have spotted it had I not wondered into the other room, the men's section. Just goes to show, those who think outside the box always win, in fashion and every other area of life! 

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