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Monday, 12 September 2016

2 Purple Shampoo's for Blondie's

If you're blonde then you know the importance of a purple shampoo. I think it's an alien concept to anyone who isn't blonde but it is an absolute MUST. It's a holy grail, the cornerstone of blonde hair car routine - Something you just cant live without!

A good violet/purple/silver tinted shampoo that helps to tone the hair and neutralise brassy yellow tones within the whole blonde hair colour spectrum.

Heres the low down on two that I use on the reg to stop my hair from returning to it's brassy origins.
L'Oreal Silver Shampoo

This one is an old favourite but it's coming to the end of the tube and I'd be a bit sad if I didnt have the latter product to replace it. This is a bit of a suped up purple shampoo as I find the longer I leave it on the whole tone of my hair changes to a cooler, ashy brown-y blonde. I cant count the ammount of times I've been sitting with this on my hair when the Postman comes to the door and I have to explain exactly why I have a plastic bag and a ton of purple on me!

However be careful as lighter tones in blonde hair can take in the purple a little bit too much and you may be left with some purpley tones! None the less I adore this product and I've used it so many times over the years religiously.!

Lush Daddy O*

The gals over at Lush sent me this one day in a lil care package after my Bleach Purple Shampoo exploded all over the inside of my drawer. I'd actually never heard of it but it peaked my interest and I was soon slathering it on. This gently brighten brightens my hair and stops the lengths from looking that horrid yellow and orange it can go when I leave it too long between salon visits. The thing I really dig about this though is that it's a really cleansing shampoo without being stripping in the slightest - Plus it smells like Parma Violets!

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