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Wednesday 16 September 2015

What I Ate Today 2

I dont think I've even mentioned it on this blog yet but a couple of months ago I decided to go meat free, dairy free and basically cut all animal products from my diet. A while ago I posted a what I eat in a day video over on my channel and it got a really good reaction to it so I thought I’d do a round two.

I absolutely love seeing what people eat in a day on Youtube. It's become one of my weird obsessions and I seem to find myself watching countless videos of all sorts of diets from veganism to body building. I think theres just something really interesting about seeing what others choose to eat on a day to day basis. Weirdly fascinating and slightly voyeuristic!

Pre-Breakfast: I love starting my day off with some lemon water. I always thought it was a little bit pretentious and a faff but since adding it to my morning routine it's really helped with my digestion and getting ready for the day. Really hydrating and a great way to start the day off!

Breakfast: For breakfast I normally have a fruit based meal because I never really feel like eating a heavy starchy breakfast, although I am partial to my new favourite recipe of chocolate oatmeal (recipe coming soon!) On this day I had two ripe mangos as well as two passionfruit just chopped up and plonked on a plate.

Lunch: Sushi Bowls are my new favourite quick and effortless lunch.I was super lazy and just used long grain rice instead of sushi riche as I wasn’t planning on wrapping it in nori so regular rice is fine. Not ideal and Im sure sushi purists are shaking their fists at me but trust me it's super easy this way! Then I spiralised a cucumber, chopped some carrot and avocado, added it all to a bowl along with some sushi ginger and some black seasame seeds.

Snack: Edamame beans are my current favourite obsession and a great source of protein in plant based diets! I eat so many of these at the moment I am a little bit worried about this latest snacking habit! At least it's pretty healthy though!

Dinner: Comfort food time! I made some mash with some steamed broccoli. Super simple but really filling and so good on a cold evening. I didnt use and butter or milk in my mash as I didnt have any but I would recommend some dairy free butter or milk if you wanted it super creamy, however I liked it how it was!

Admittedly I don't eat like this every single day, Somedays I do eat a whole bag of kettle chips with a tub of pitta or fries or a box of Oreos. Im also not  a dietitian, so  I'm not saying this is an ideal way of eating, but Im still alive and kicking so I

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