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Friday 18 September 2015

What do KFC, fashion and lunch have in common?

Alright, ladies and gents. I've made absolutely no secret about my obsession with fried chicken over the years. I'm a southern gal, and as such have been raised with an appreciation for the sweet taste of fried food. I simply can't help myself. But, hey, it's protein, so good for you right? Alright, traditional fried chicken hasn't had the best reputation. It's seen by many as a comfort food - as something that you treat yourself to in times of need or in times of pure uninhibited joy. It's something you eat sparingly, right? Well, KFC are working at changing that at the moment and they're working with fashion influencers to help spread the word. Ahem. Yes, this is where I enter into the mix. I'm working with KFC. Follow me here...

KFC are changing up their menu and introducing a little ditty called the KFC Ricebox. This evening, for the very first time, I had a chance to tuck into this new lunch box and did so with great trepidation. I don't do health food. Never have, never will. It doesn't sit right with me. If something says it's under 500 calories I immediately mark it as something that will taste like cardboard and walk the other direction. Sadly, my little standoff with healthy alternatives with food ended this evening after one bite of the KFC Ricebox. Yeah, I'm a sucker for tasty lunches and this one is, well, it's so good I'm working with them to promote it, here and now. It's under 500 calories, fills you up faster than you can ever imagine (and I'm used to eating 1 lb burgers) and it's getting a fashion makeover. Yes, you read that correctly. KFC is working with fashion influencers to give the Ricebox an edge, and I'm one of those influencers. Brace yourself. 
In keeping with the idea of a lunch hour, KFC has decided to challenge some of fashion's finest in London to a one hour creative exercise. They kicked off this evening with a rather epic launch of Katie Eary's one hour runway showcase. Yes, in one hour this woman created the following:
Are you still thinking, how the heck does this all fit together? Maybe this video will help...

So, where does Fashion Foie Gras come in? Well, on Monday I will be challenged to create a cover for the Ricebox (see below what Katie did) in under an hour. I'll be given a creative team to help take my thoughts and put them onto a printable box cover and then the whole thing will be available to buy. Yup, the fashion goose is about to meet some mean chicken! On Tuesday, the box will go into store and you'll get a chance to have your lunch with a bit of a fashion flare attached. More info to come on locations, etc. But for now, sit back and enjoy the fact that you just get to have lunch on your lunch hour -I'll be sweating bullets hoping to impress you with my SS16 inspired KFC Ricebox cover. No pressure or anything.
FFG is working in collaboration with KFC.

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