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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Reveal: The Fashion Foie Gras KFC Ricebox cover #PACKMOREINTOLUNCH

Fact: I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life as I did yesterday and it's the most random and unexpected kind of fun ever. Yesterday, I designed the KFC Ricebox sleeve cover. I was challenged to create artwork, in one hour, inspired by the general vibe of fashion week. I did not want to let the Colonel down!

When I was first asked if I wanted to work with KFC on this special fashion week project, I did ask around about the general vibe about saying yes to such a creative endeavor. How would it be received? Would people feel this was way out of left field? My response from everyone was brilliant and went a little something like this, in different forms from different people, "the people that really know you will know this couldn't be more of a perfect way to expose your absolute love affair with fast food, not to mention fried chicken." Yes, I am the fashion fast food addict. Anyone that has a Ferrari for a weekend and chooses to really test it out by taking it through a drive thru might have a serious addiction.

So that leaves us where we are today - taking time to share a glowing moment in FFG's history. I have officially collaborated with KFC, which ticks two boxes. I had a chance to work with a fast food company, and one that sells a delicacy of my home region - fried chicken. Done and done.

In all seriousness, it was an incredible experience to be put under pressure to design something fashion inspired, in under one hour, that would not only resonant with the average KFC lunch customer, but also with the people of fashion week. I went with something I knew would turn heads - floral! I'm not sure if you guys remember when I wrote about a great company called Flowerbx a few months ago? I took A LOT of pictures of the flowers that were sent to my house and I kept a few in high res, just in case. I wasn't really sure what I was keeping them for, but now I know. In the back of my head I must have knew that one day chicken would like to be covered in those prints. Ok, I didn't know that at all. Not at all! But oh boy did the image come in handy when I found I was mostly inspired by all the florals that were making their way down the catwalk at London Fashion Week. And so, a sleeve was born.

Here are all the images you need to remember this moment. I do hope some of you managed to grab a box or two. I did tweet about the opportunity endlessly. If you're desperate for a sleeve I do have a few spare ;)

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