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Sunday 13 September 2015

My saving grace for footwear for London Fashion Week

What I am about to say is fact, well in my life anyway. London Fashion Week is the death of my feet. Traditional I soak them for two hours every night when I get home from shows. I get out my laptop, fire up the screen and fill a large bowl with boiling hot water and bath salts. I then place the barking dogs in said bowl and hope for quick and sweet relief. It's just the way things are. I have resigned myself to being in pain - end of the story. Or is it?

A few years ago, actually almost six years ago, one of the first stories I wrote on FFG was about a little brand called Butterfly Twists. They were brand new and so was I. We were entering into the big and bad world of fashion together... and a post was born. Six years on and I'm pleased as punch to be watching this brand go from strength and strength, and I continue to support them along the way, just as they have supported me. So an idea came to mind when I was complaining the other day about painful feet. What if sweet relief could be found on the go? Or what if pain didn't have to enter into the equation at all? What if Butterfly Twists come to the rescue?

Butterfly Twists are fabulous, first and foremost, because of the fact that they are designed to be a portable shoe. They are made to fold up and fold away, into the depths of your handbag. That was their original concept. These were the shoes you wore after you took off your Jimmy Choos or Manolo Blahniks. They were like a warm hug for your suffering soles. Only these days I've started to notice that women aren't waiting for sore feet before they don their Butterfly Twists. Oh heavens, no. The new line of Butterfly Twists are designed with high fashion in mind. From leather ballet flats to calf hair loafers, this is a collection that's meant to be seen from start to finish, not from office to home. Now... how does this play into my London Fashion Week for spring summer 2016?

Well, for one, I'll be sporting Butterfly Twists as my official footwear for the week. Sure, I'll wear the high heels here and there, but these beauties will not only be hand for the 'afters,' they'll also be starring in some outfit moments. Alongside their starring role in the wardrobe, I'll also be helping Butterfly Twists out with a social takeover. On Monday, the 21st of September, I'll be taking over the Butterfly Twists Instagram account. So keep an eye out, not only for the posts, for also for me hopping around like a comfortable bunny in shoes I can actually wear without cringing through every step!

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