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Monday 21 September 2015

Hove Beach Huts

Shirt - Topshop, Skirt - Zara (similar), Shoes - Office (similar) Bag- ASOS (similar), Gilet - Forever 21 (similar), Hat - ASOS

I cant explain how much of a chore it was to shoot these photos down by the beach huts in Hove but since moving down to Brighton and Hove area I've always wanted to shoot down by the sea. I think we picked the windiest day ever though and I had to chase after my hat at one point! Not ideal but I think we styled it out in these images! Most evenings I go for a wander down on the beachfront. It's so lovely seeing the sunset over the sea and how the colours of the sky change each night. It's also pretty awesome seeing the pier at night, it's cheesey as hell but it does look so awesome.

Im really digging denim at the moment, as someone who's not really into blue jeans my blue denim has been coming in the form of denim shirts and a denim dress. If you watch any of my vlogs then I'm sure you're familiar with the hat that Im wearing. I feel like it's barely left my head since I bought it. I had lost it when I was at V (another incident of it blowing away in the wind) but while I was there I was straight on the ASOS app and purchased another one on the spot. It's probably my favourite hat of all time and it's genuinely one of the nicest things I have in my wardrobe right now.

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Photos By Jon Barker (edited by me) & follow him on Twitter @JonDBarker

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