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Thursday 27 August 2015

FFG interiors: My Little London Flat Part 2, The Rest...

While the living room is the heart of the home, in my home at least, I do believe the soul is found in the more personal spaces - the spaces where you relax, sleep and just generally decompress on the solo. So today, I'm sharing my bedroom and my second bedroom, which I've turned into a dressing room of sorts. Yes, I know it's all rather decadent. In reality, this space started as an office. But, I found I was doing all my writing on the sofa, so I decided to make this space a place where I could either play dress-up on a regular basis and/or sit and read a book. 

Oh the importance of redefining a space. And may I just say that designating a space to sit and contemplate your day has completely changed the day from start to finish. Like some character from Hitchcock, I sit in my bay window and watch as the world goes by. Yes, perhaps slightly creepy. Just call me the neighbourhood watch. But, my brain just switches off of high speed mode and takes a left turn into creative consciousness. It's marvelous. Find a space for this in your home...

Now, a little note about the bedroom. Yeah, it's small. It's tiny. There's barely enough room to step out of the bed between the mattress and the wall. But, this is London. What do you expect? Funnily enough, I love the smallness of the room. It's like sleeping in a cubby hole and is incredibly comforting. It's why I chose to make the smaller room the one I slept in. I mean really all you're doing is sleeping in there. So I leave the bigger room for changing, contemplation and creativity. These things need space to breathe, no?! 

Enjoy a first look at the new spaces in my life. It's not a permanent home, but it's my home away from home for now!

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