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Tuesday 4 August 2015

FFG Beauty: The best exfoliator for your face

Ugh. So here's the part where I have to admit something rather unflattering, unladylike and perhaps a tidbit of information that my mother would claim is "going to far." I have a problem with clogged pores on my face. There I said it. It's out there. It's reality. First world problems, eh? Call them what you may, they're horrible and unattractive and require attention, right? Well, I can honestly say I am an exfoliator freak because of the skin cards I've been dealt. I'm constantly on the hunt for a great skincare regime that can help tackle the problem. I've been through nearly the entire drugstore shelf looking for a cheap fix - from scrubs, such as the famous apricot concoction, to wipes that claim to "gently lift dead skin from your face." I thought to myself, "perhaps, if I just scrub hard enough the product will reveal a smooth and gleaming surface." Think again. They don't work! 

I've spent hundreds of dollars, pounds and more currencies than I care to admit to trying to find the best exfoliator for my face on the market now and, as fate would have it, it landed in my lap via a goody bag a few months ago.  This morning I finished the product. I squeezed the very last magical drop from the bottle and said to myself, "this, I must share." And here we are, talking about the Lancer Skincare The Method-Polish Exfoliator. This is, hands down, the best exfoliator I've come across. 

Here's a quick round up of the important bits you need to know. The Lancer Exfoliator is a product that uses natural quartz and sodium bicarbonate crystals to give you a scrub like nothing you've ever experienced before. This is a clean that is similar to the one you'll get sitting in a professional's chair. It doesn't say that on the box, but I'm saying it here. While the minerals are doing their work scrubbing, gorgeous bits like pumpkin and pomegranate are helping to remove the skin, while brown sea algae is moisturizing the new surface and stimulating collagen protection. It's a family of ingredients working in perfect harmony to give you glowing skin... and I'm addicted. 

If you're looking to buy into this miracle, I'd recommend first starting with the 1oz bottle to make sure it's not too strong for what you're looking for. It's truly a rough rider and will leave your skin as fresh as it gets, but I realize it's not for everyone (however, I'll go ahead and say it's used by more Hollywood a-listers than you'll find in any People magazine). Try the trial size! If you're happy - go for the big momma! Note: There's also a sensitive skincare version!

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